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Gary Jones

I've had back pain

I'm a chiropractor that understands
your pain. I've been in your situation

I'm  here for you

I want to get you pain-free

Tailored to your needs

I can offer bespoke treatments

- tailored to your needs 

I can treat

  • Backache and back pain

  • Biomechanical neck & shoulder pain, including rotator cuff injury

  • Headaches arising from the neck and Migraine prevention 

  • General muscle and joint aches, pains, cramp, and spasms

  • Discomfort and stiffness in joints

  • Specific sports injuries, such as Tennis elbow

  • Sciatica and lumbago

  • Management of osteoarthritis; wear and tear

  • Management of plantar fasciitis and ankle sprains

  • Pelvic Girdle pain

(ASA, Nov 2017)

My chiropractic technique

I use a combination of McTimoney chiropractic and
Soft Tissue Release to restore function and movement. 


I want to get to the root of your problem, your concerns and your goals.  To understand your expectations and together we can work together to achieve them.


Do you want your pain gone?
Regular Treatments?

The number of treatments depends on what is causing your problem and how long it has been present. 


Generally, the newer the condition, the quicker it is to treat.


Many problems can be resolved between 3 and 6 treatments.

The treatment plan will be based upon your age, physical condition, lifestyle and unique problem(s). 
It will also include an early
re-evaluation to assess your progress and determine if chiropractic care is working for you or if you would be better referred to another medical professional.

New patient

Your first visit will always start with a thorough discussion of your problem, concerns and your goals. 


I need to know your medical history, any other other ailments or medications you might be taking.

It is also extremely important I get as much information as possible to ensure I give you the most comprehensive diagnosis for your complaint.

McTimoney Chiropractic 

McTimoney is a whole-body technique

McTimoney is considered to be one of the gentlest forms of chiropractic care

McTimoney is appropriate for people of all ages 


McTimoney is a relatively gentle form of chiropractic using fast light movements to adjust the body. Chiropractors believe that aligning the skeleton can help the nervous system function more efficiently helping to relieve pain and discomfort thereby improving mobility.

The McTimoney method is a whole-body treatment which means that we assess the whole body and mobilize and adjust where needed.

People in Park

Let's get you back
to your normal

Drop me a message

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Natural Therapy Clinic
Martin House, Marsh Court,
Hospital Road
GL56 0BL
07855 460 842


Lets get
you moving

Do you want your pain gone?

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